efren on the loose.
really apologize to the 4 followers i have. jk.
this will be short but i promise to get back on the blogger train.
we gots lots of exciting things coming up.
mad shows.
NEW ALBUM dropping June 28th, but will be available at ATHfest the previous weekend!!
we got some special treats for the Athenites that weekend so be on the lookout.
We are so so so proud of the album. i am giddy with excitement to share it with yall!!!
i will even give yall a sneak peak of the art for it here!!

Writing songs for you
Under a velvet moon
Hearing lines of red
Into simple heads
Richer times unbound
Crisp strings ground
Light moods will pay
Please sit and stay
Leaving this bus stop
Sweat the next spot
Sweet faces smile
Over southern miles
Invent an escape
To stay up so late
In bound roads split
Our golden hit
Inside a brainstorm
Lost in being born
Say you this morning
Curled up in glory
Lets stay up together
Close like its forever
Highway guard lied
Just let mama try
Open the lines to the last station
Right next to love’s confession
Always knew how you felt
Please, rise on up and melt
title track from upcomer!!
thanks for loving.